Reflective Embroidery Thread ? YES !!
I did not count how often I was asked in the last years for a reflective thread for embroidery and for decorative stitching... So far, I always had to say sorry... But now, finally I can say YES !
GUNOLD, one of my business partners and well-known for high quality embroidery threads is now offering CRY, world's first special thread for reflective embroidery, decorative seams and effect stitching.
And by the way, CRY was elected by the ISPO TEXTRENDS Jury as BEST TRIM PRODUCT !
Thousands of microscopic glass beads, embedded in a polymer coating, encase the polyamide core of the CRY thread and create sparking reflections and great effects in the dark.
CRY in daylight
Reflective effect in the dark
Really exciting and it offers so many possibilities....
You want more information ? Just contact me at