Creative Embroidery Workshop at Modefachschule Sigmaringen

In July 2020, Modefachschule Sigmaringen hosted a new CREATIVE EMBROIDERY workshop. In cooperation with lecturer Jutta Erb, we had two great and inspiring days together with the students. I carried boxes and suitcases full of all kind of fabrics and materials to the school and the participants job was to try out different embroidery techniques and threads on most different materials.
How can natural and artificial materials be combined ? Can reflective transfer dots be fixed to an embroidery ? How to reuse and recycle materials in a contemporary way ?
The aim was not to achieve perfect results for commerical collections (…but who knows…). The concept was rather to inform, inspire and motivate the students. To just do…
And it was just amazing how it worked out. They really dared doing and trying and the results are fantastic - have a look to the images below:

Isn’t it great what the students achieved in just two days ? Hope you like it, too - I am really enthusiastic about the results…
If you like to see more embroidery inspiration , follow me on Instagram !
See you soon, all the best, Reiner