It's all about DENIM !
Denim was, is and always will be a fascinating and versatile material. No question that this workshop at Modefachschule Sigmaringen was fully booked very quickly. In addition to the very well equipped fashion school, denim fabrics sponsored by EVLOX, threads from GUNOLD, reflective materials from REGINE IQ TRIM and the latest Coverlock machine Admire Air 7000 from PFAFF were provided. The aim was to use the fabrics in combination with embroidery design and effect seams and to discover possibilities Part of the samples are now being industrially washed and treated by another experienced industry expert, DENIM AUTHORITY. (website currently under construction). The students created their samples double or triple to see the differences after washing, bleaching, dyeing etc… Stay tuned for more impressions, but can’t wait to share some first results here:
Hand fringed feather, created by Lisa Bienert / Modefachschule Sigmaringen, using Evlox Denim, Gunold METY thread and a lot of time and passion…
Embroidered flower by Jacob Seitz. “Shadow Effect” created using the transparent MONO thread.
One line design by Hannah Leuchtenberger
Seam Effects / Effect Seams
Design: Doreen Schneider / Maren Michelberger
Part of the team. From left to right: Patrick Pfeiffer, Jacob Seitz, Reiner Knochel, Jutta Erb, Hannah Leuchtenberger, Lisa Bienert
Design: Lisa Bienert
Denim with reflective dots (Regine IQ Trim)
Design: Doreen Schneider
Fabric manipulation by Patrick Pfeiffer
Fabric manipulation by Patrick Pfeiffer
Some of the proud students:
Hannah Leuchtenberger
Jacob Seitz
Sara Schütte
Patrick Pfeiffer
Doreen Schneider
Denim Corsage by Doreen Schneider & Maren Michelberger
Maren Michelberger
Hope you are inspired too ! I will show more when the samples are back from the washer .. So see you soon, all the best, Reiner