Photo-Story and Video of Regine IQtrim Reflective Materials

Some of my workshops at Modefachschule Sigmaringen are dedicated to the innovative reflective materials by Regine IQtrim. Together with my colleague Jutta Erb, we motivate the young designers to interpret these functional materials in unusual and innovative ways. The results are so cool that we decided to create a video (see link below) and a photo-story, presenting the creative student`s work.

See the photo-story below:

The video is presented on Regine IQtrim’s website, just click HERE !!


Regine IQtrim for the fantastic materials !

Modefachschule Sigmaringen for your trust and support !

The designers Christine Erfurt, Hannah Kramer, Julia Rehm, Kari May Conrad, Linnea Scherbaum, Sanja Legin, Sonja Kindler, Chiara Amato, Hannah Leuchtenberger, Maria Stroppel, Lena Maria Brackel, Reiner Knochel and Jutta Erb

The Models Chiara Amato, Hannah Kramer, Julia Rehm, Sanja Legin, Linnea Scherbaum, Rama Almohammad, Kari May Conrad, Carla Wettermann, Lucie Om, Nico Baur, Jan Paul Erb and of course the cute dog Urmel

The organisation team Oona Lassmann, Rama Almohammad, Brandy Baptiste, Pia Bender, Kim Härlen, Lou Maleen Schorer, Carla Wettermann and Jutta Erb

Photographie / Video / Music: Oona Lassmann, Rama Almohammad, Luna Sophie Funk

Location: Ateliers im alten Schlachthof Sigmaringen